Anti-plagiarism policy
Authors are asked to declare, through the letter of originality and transfer of rights, that they have the moral rights over it and that it has not been sent for review nor is it published, partially or totally, in any other national or international magazine. foreign. If it has been deposited in a preprint server or in a congress, this must be clarified when sending.
The signatories will be solely responsible for ensuring that their contribution meets these requirements. All the articles received in the Gaceta Médica Estudiantil are verified by the editors before and during the publication process by using the Urkund tools to detect possible plagiarism.
If the percentage of similarity between texts is greater than 20%, it could be plagiarism. In this case, the authors of the work will be contacted to clarify the circumstances or evaluate its rejection.
If a previous version of an article has been previously published, this must be expressly indicated in the notes. The new version must have substantial novelties and its recovery must be motivated.
The journal will reject articles that are plagiarized, informing the authors and their institutions; as well as establishing regulations for authors about publishing in the journal. Gaceta Médica Estudiantil does not encourage any form of plagiarism. Therefore, we recommend reviewing the content of your article before sending it, as well as the detailed care of the use of citations and bibliographical references.