Orthodontic treatment in patients for rehabilitation with partial dentures at the Zurident clinic, Santo Domingo. Ecuador
Treatment, Rehabilitation, Partial prosthesis, EdentulismAbstract
Introduction: the rehabilitation of the patient's edema with removable metal restorations improves the lost physiological functions: chewing and speech, this helps to recover the patient's erection and aesthetics. Objective: to describe orthodontic treatment in patients for rehabilitation with partial dentures. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the ZURIDENT clinic, in the city of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador in the year 2022. The universe consisted of all elderly people with aggravated edentulism. Results: according to the interview carried out with Dr. German Arias, it was possible to specify that: As previously mentioned, you should not perform acts with great force such as opening a bottle, the patient must perform a correct cleaning of both his teeth and the prosthesis to not generate accumulation of bacteria and thus avoid periodontal diseases that can cause tooth movement and sensitivity to a great extent. Take good care of yourself in your oral cavity and with removable partial dentures. Conclusions: The professional must base himself on existing scientific findings and on the patient's participation during treatment to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Since in previous years, the concept of quality of life emerged as a substantial component in the assessment of human health.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Paulette Andreina Torres Quiñonez , Miguel Alejandro Gómez Andino, Jaime Fernando Armijos Moreta, Silvia Marisol Gavilánez Villamarín
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