Metachronous presentation of metastatic melanoma and gastric adenocarcinoma
Multiple primary tumors, Malignant melanoma, Primary gastric tumorAbstract
Introduction: Synchronous multiple primary malignant tumors are relatively rare, although the number of patients diagnosed with multiple primary tumors is increasing, given the development of more sophisticated diagnostic procedures, and the increasing number of elderly patients. Objective: to describe the Metachronous association of a patient with metastatic melanoma and gastric adenocarcinoma. Case Report: a 66-year-old patient with a history of having been diagnosed with malignant melanoma. He came to the clinic with an increase in volume in the left inguinal region. Associated with the presence of pain in the upper abdomen of moderate intensity. Metasynchronous presence of metastatic melanoma and gastric adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. The patient's evolution was not satisfactory and he died. Conclusions: the frequency with which a primary gastric tumor presents in a melanoma carrier is very low and therefore it is important to follow up those patients with melanoma and consider the risk of new neoplasms.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joalberto Delgado Prieto , Michel Oceguera Milán , Eleany Arrué Medina
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