Biopsycosocial repercussion of the consumption the new drug shabu



Introduction: at the present time a social crisis induced by the drug shabu emerges. Objective: to gather information about the biopsychosocial repercussion of the consumption of the drug shabu. Method: a bibliographical review was made in the Faculty of Medicine in Guantanamo between March and September of 2023 with the documental study of systematic revisions and original articles about drug shabu obtained in scientific databases of the health (SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, Base Cochrane), unrestricted of date, with the use of the following describers shabu AND repercussion biopsicosocial; shabu AND health, and the terms in English. 131 documents were located, and 21 were chosen by their relevance according to the objective of the revision. For the extraction of data were used a schedule that summarized questions of interest. Development: the obtained information was structured in five sections: biopharmacology, epidemiology of the consumption, physiologic effects and consequences of their use and the clinical evolution of the consumers.  The shabu is a synthetic drug, adrenergic agonist, with more potential stimulating and of addition, and more noxious that other, mainly for the neurological and cardiovascular systems. Conclusions: the drug shabu can cause medical urgencies for the graveness of the complications associated to the consumption, but there is not a consent on how to approach an appropriate treatment, and more experiences are required about the clinical evolution of the consumers.


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How to Cite

Noa Pelegrin M, Elias Sierra R. Biopsycosocial repercussion of the consumption the new drug shabu. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];4(3):e325. Available from:



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