A look at prostate carcinoma from Primary Hearth Care
prostate cancer, diagnosis, primary health careAbstract
Introduction: prostate cancer remains asymptomatic for several years and its natural history is well clarified. Objective: to describe the clinical epidemiological situation of prostate cancer in patients older than 40 years. Method: an observational, descriptive, prospective study was carried out in the Parque popular council, belonging to the Juana Naranjo Leon Polyclinic, in the period 2020-2022. The study population consisted of 143 patients. With inclusion criteria, by intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. Results: ages between 58-67 years and risk factors such as mixed race, smoking and sedentary lifestyle prevailed. Asymptomatic patients predominated since it is a disease with an examinations the PSA in the patients that were not altered, being the digital rectal examination the were evaluated by urology and 29.1% continue their monitoring in primary health care. Conclusions: in the study, older ages predominate in convergence with risk factors such as mixed race, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. The asymptomatic clinical picture being the most noted, as well as the digital rectal examination, the exam of this disease, being evaluated and in follow-up the entire population under study.
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- 2023-10-05 (2)
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