Factors associated with emotional disorders in students of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes
Anxiety, Depression, Dentistry Students, Emotional disorders, Academic performanceAbstract
Introduction: In the world, the most common mental disorders with the greatest academic influence on students are depression and anxiety. These disorders constitute an important problem, since the psychological discomfort of the individual is added to the impossibility of obtaining satisfactory academic performance, since cognitive functions such as attention and memory are affected. Objective: identify factors associated with emotional disorders in students of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes “UNIANDES”. Methods: observational, descriptive cross-sectional study with a population of 119, selecting a stratified probabilistic sample of 92 students in the Second Semester of the Dentistry career in the period October 2022-March 2023, the following variables were used in the study: age, sex, place of residence, academic performance and economic resources. Results: Of the total of 92 students surveyed, 33.7% of respondents do not present signs of disorders, on the other hand, 66.3% do present visible signs of emotional disorders. Conclusions: The research concludes that the sex and academic performance of the students does not influence the suffering of emotional disorders
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