Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la Revista Estudiantil HolCien, 2020– 2022
Magazine article, Medicine bibliography, Bibliometrics, Bibliometric indicators, Scientific production indicators, Scientific productionAbstract
Introduction: HolCien is an electronic scientific publication edited by the Provincial Center for Medical Sciences Information of the Holguin University of Medical Sciences. Its main function is to disseminate scientific activity related to any biomedical specialty. Each number is accessible through and is managed through the Open Journal System.
Objective: to characterize the scientific production of the HolCien Student Magazine between 2020 and 2022.
Methods: a bibliometric study was carried out. The universe was made up of 62 articles; no sampling technique was used. The variables analyzed were number of publication, type of article, origin of the authors, authors per article, number of references, age of the references. Descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: in volume 2, number 1 of 2020, the largest number of articles were published. 45% of the publications are original articles. The authors from Holguin were the ones with the highest incidence with 54.8%, although articles were received from all the provinces of the country. The largest number of papers had three authors. In the years 2021 and 2022, the Price Index was found to be above 0.80%.
Conclusions: the HolCien Student Magazine has maintained a continuous evolution in its scientific development, demonstrating great contributions to scientific production both locally, nationally and internationally.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Frank Miguel Hernández-Velázquez, Carmen Isabel Rodríguez-García, Danilo Taño-Tamayo, Dayana María Fernández-Sarmiento

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