Oral diseases, risks and prevention in pregnancy
Oral diseases, pregnant women, knowledgeAbstract
Introduction: pregnancy is a phase of a woman's life with many changes in her health, mainly due to hormonal alterations that are a product of her condition. What can develop certain diseases in them in different areas of their body, among these is the oral cavity. Objective: describe the knowledge, describe the diseases that affect pregnant women, the state of knowledge they have, together with their risks and ways of prevention. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the state of Santo Domingo, belonging to the country of Ecuador in the period of 2022. The universe was made up of 20, to collect data a survey validated by the ethics committee, with 10 questions applied to pregnant women, through Google Forms and WhatsApp, from which data was collected in order to obtain different results in relation to what was described throughout the study. Result: 50% (10) believe that the most common cause of oral conditions is poor dental care, 50% (10) of those surveyed believe that the baby could very possibly be affected by some disease of the oral cavity present. in the mother. Conclusions: It is concluded that carious pathology stands out over other oral diseases, such as gingivitis, periodontitis and dental flurosis in pregnant women and the existence of knowledge of pregnant women in relation to oral health can be highlighted
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelia María Cleonares Borbor , Juan Guillermo Hermida Muñoz, Andrés Santiago Quizhpi López , Silvia Marisol Gavilanez Villamarín Gavilanez Villamarín
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