Risk factors that influence gestational development
pregnancy, gestational development, risk factorsAbstract
Introduction: throughout the development of pregnancy, factors may appear that alter gestational development and produce a high-risk pregnancy, which is defined as any unexpected or unforeseen medical or obstetric condition associated with a pregnancy with a real or potential danger to health. or the well-being of the mother or fetus. Objective: to identify the risk factors that alter gestational development in pregnant women who attend the Julio Andrade Health Center. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the Julio Andrade Health Center, belonging to the country of Ecuador in the year 2022, the universe was made up of 10 health professionals, to collect data it was applied a survey, which made it possible to obtain specific information on the risk factors that alter gestational development, in this way its results obtained allow more detailed reports on the subject. Results: 66.7% of those surveyed mention that between 1 to 5 of the pregnant women who come to the Health Center have urinary tract infection, 100% of the people surveyed state that between 1 to 5 pregnant women have gestational diabetes. Conclusions: the main risk factors that affect pregnant women at the Julio Andrade Health Center are hypertensive diseases, gestational diabetes, urinary tract infections, and pregnant adolescents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zuly Rivel Nazate Chuga , Clara Elisa Pozo Hernández , Leonel Omar Mora Gonzales

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