Knowledge about alcohol and tobacco consumption in high school students according to the educational guide for the prevention of psychotropic substances
Educational guide, Influence, PreventionAbstract
Introduction: the World Health Organization [WHO] in 2014 indicates that approximately 3.3 million people died from alcohol-related causes in the world, including 320,000 young people between 15 and 29 years of age. Objective: evaluate knowledge about alcohol and tobacco consumption in 1st year high school students according to the educational guide for the prevention of these psychotropic substances. Method: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the fiscal educational establishments “Province of Cotopaxi” and private “Gabriela Mistral” of the province of Cotopaxi, belonging to the country of Ecuador in the period of the year 2022, the universe and sample It was made up of 100 first-year high school students from both educational institutions, data collection was carried out through a survey. Results: 70 % of those surveyed have knowledge of the educational guide for the prevention of alcohol and tobacco consumption, 88 % of those surveyed report knowing the diseases related to alcohol consumption. Conclusions: it is concluded that both educational institutions have knowledge about the educational guide for the prevention of these psychotropic substances, the respondents recognize the consequences of alcohol and tobacco consumption for health.
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