Detection of Rh factor incompatibility in pregnancy
Incompatibility, hemolytic anemia, human anti-D immunoglobulinAbstract
Introduction: Rh blood group incompatibility occurs during pregnancy in an Rh negative patient whose father is Rh positive, resulting in fetal blood incompatibility disorder causing hemolytic disease of the fetus. Objective: describe the importance of timely detection of Rh factor incompatibility in pregnancy, as well as more complex information on diagnosis and medical management. Method: a bibliographic review was carried out with a qualitative documentary-type design, by collecting data on websites such as Scielo, Ministry of Public Health, Google Scholar. Development: based on the information collected from approximately 18 different bibliographic sources, we can conclude that Rh incompatibility begins with the formation of blood (hematogenesis), which indicates the blood type of each person in order to prevent a high-risk pregnancy. that if the pregnant woman is Rh negative and the Rh positive fetus presents Rh incompatibility because the fetal blood crosses the placental membrane through breaks. Conclusions: timely detection of Rh factor incompatibility begins and is based on the identification of the isoimmunized mother. Therefore, it is recommended that all pregnant women undergo initial laboratory tests at their first prenatal check-up, which include the assessment of their blood type and Rh.
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