Osteonecrosis of the maxillary bones caused by bisphosphonates


  • Miryan Margarita Grijalva-Palacios Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes , Ibarra. Ecuador. image/svg+xml
  • Nathalie Stefy Ponce-Reyes Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes , Ibarra. Ecuador. image/svg+xml
  • Jordán David Burbano-Ortega Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes , Ibarra. Ecuador. image/svg+xml


osteonecrosis of the jaws, bisphosphonate osteonecrosis, bisphosphonate


Introduction: bisphosphonates are drugs used to treat metabolic bone diseases or malignant hypercalcemia. They are also strong inhibitors of osteoclasts, causing a great decrease in bone resorption. Objectives: describe the dental interest in osteonecrosis of the maxillary bones caused by bisphosphonates. Method: a systematic review was carried out during the period 2018-2022 using the Prisma procedure, the information from research carried out and published was analyzed; Twenty original articles were considered that are related to the topic of maxillary osteonecrosis caused by bisphosphonates, which were obtained from the electronic search of the following databases: PudMed, Scopus and SciELO. Results: bisphosphonates are described as strong inhibitors of osteoclasts, causing a great decrease in bone resorption. Recent research has focused on the search for the association between the alterations caused by the use of bisphosphonates in the soft tissue of the oral cavity and its relevance in the etiopathogenesis of osteonecrosis of the jaws. Conclusions: drug-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is necrosis of the jaw bones and a side effect of long-term use of certain drugs such as bisphosphonates or denosumab, antiresorptive medications.


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How to Cite

Grijalva-Palacios MM, Ponce-Reyes NS, Burbano-Ortega JD. Osteonecrosis of the maxillary bones caused by bisphosphonates. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 9];4(2S):e175. Available from: https://revgacetaestudiantil.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/view/175


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