Intervention project to reduce maternal mortality in Ambato
maternal mortality, sepsis, uterine rupture, dystocia, renal failureAbstract
Introduction: according to the WHO, maternal mortality is defined as the number of women who die during pregnancy or in the 42 days following its termination. Objectives: Determine the number of maternal deaths and their causes at the Ambato General Teaching Hospital during the year 2022. Define each of the health problems that cause an increase in maternal mortality. Establish in a general way risk factors and solutions to them as a contribution in order to reduce the rate of maternal deaths in the city. Methodology: The selection of the General Teaching Hospital Ambato was carried out, with the support of the statistics service. The sample was 17,441. Results: During the year 2022, a total of 17,441 patients were admitted to hospital distributed in the different areas or specialties of the health unit, of which 31.78% are users of the Gynecology-Obstetrics area. , it was recorded that 0.087% were in the Gynecology - Obstetrics area in relation to the rest of the areas. Conclusions: It was determined that the number of maternal deaths in the General Teaching Hospital Ambato during the year 2022 was 0.087% in the Gynecology-Obstetrics area. Each health problem that increases maternal mortality was defined as postpartum hemorrhage, perineal lacerations, sphincter injuries, separation of the symphysis pubis, etc. It was established that the risk factors are sepsis, spontaneous uterine rupture, fetal dystocia, fetopelvic disproportion, shoulder dystocia, maternal renal failure, end-stage renal disease.
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