Microbiological profile of adquired comunity pneumonia in matenal patients
Pregnancy, Pneumonia, Maternal mobilityAbstract
Introduction: in the hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto is lacks data about the characteristics of the community pneumonia acquired in the in maternal patient from the perspective of the microbiology. Objective: to specify the profile microbiologic of the community acquired pneumonia in maternal patient discharged of the intensive cares unit of that of the hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto during the period 2015-2022. Methods: carries out a descriptive, retrospective and traverse study. Were studied all the pregnant and puerperal patients with this pneumonia (n = 91). The following variables were studied: biological and gestational age and characteristic of the pneumonia: clinical (clinic forms, antibiotic drugs prescription and therapeutic answer) and microbiological (microbiologic procedure utilized, causal germ). The data were summarized by means of frequencies analysis and percentages. Results: the germ more usual was the streptococcus pneumoniae (56.0 %) and the means diagnoses more utilized it was the sputum culture. 76.9 % of the patients was pregnancies and 23.1 % it was puerperal. 94.5 % were expenditure lives and 5.5 % died (1 for H1N1 and 4 for virus SARS-Cov-2). 100% received treatment with drug antiviral, cephalosporin and macrolide antibiotics. Conclusions: the profile microbiologic of the community acquired pneumonia in maternal patient was characterized.
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