Clinical Use of Fiberglass Posts and Metal Posts
oral rehabilitation, fiberglass bolts, endodonticsAbstract
Introduction: The use of bolts is focused on aesthetic and functional applications, which over the years is highlighted in the aesthetic perception of the population, providing restorative treatments to achieve function, symmetry and shape based on the respective dental diagnosis. Objective: Describe the clinical use of fiberglass posts and metal posts. Method: the qualitative documentary bibliographic approach was applied, based on the PRISMA method for systematic reviews and the years between 2018 and 2023, using the Scielo, PubMed and Google Scholar databases, keywords and inclusion criteria were used and exclusion. Results: Of the 12 sources selected for the review, the most relevant results show that the use of fiberglass pins, in all the research reviewed, favors the patient's aesthetics, contributes to morphological and functional rehabilitation, presents greater conservation, easy handling, elasticity and resistance. On the other hand, metal posts appear to be more rigid and predisposed to fractures. Conclusions: Fiberglass pins are more effective due to their elasticity and aesthetics; they can be anatomical, which facilitates rehabilitation with a higher success rate. Metal pins are considered unaesthetic and promote fractures; their most frequent use is in the posterior sector.
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