Micro and nanoplastics and their influence on human health
microplastics, environmental impact, influence on health, plastic waste, waste disposalAbstract
Introduction: the negative environmental impact generated by excessive production and irresponsible disposal of plastics is currently alarming. This bibliographic review aims to identify the repercussions on human health due to the risk of consumption of micro and nano plastics found in ecosystems. Method: a search was carried out on different platforms, using the keywords: “micro and nanoplastics” or “environmental impact” or “influence on health” and “microplastics and health” or “plastic waste” or “waste disposal”. Results: microplastics and nanoplastics currently represent an obvious environmental risk, and especially for human health since they can be found in different parts of the body. Micro and nano plastics are currently found in almost everything and cause obvious health problems, therefore, it is essential that plastic pollution be stopped and that those responsible establish strategies that allow waste to be disposed of responsibly, safeguarding health and well-being. of human beings. Conclusions: It is necessary that the evaluation of the impact on health be addressed in a broad manner since the conditions will depend on several factors such as the source of origin, the quantity, the type and the stage of the plastic cycle in which it is evaluated. the effects, the means of exposure to chemical substances must also be considered in order to determine risk factors, possible consequences and preventive measures in public health.
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