Impact of Diabetic Retinopathy on Visual health
Diabetes Mellitus, Retina, Visual disorders, Diabetic retinopathyAbstract
Introduction: diabetic Retinopathy is one of the complications of diabetic patients with the potential to generate visual disorders and blindness of the patient if not adequately controlled. Objective: to describe the effects of Diabetic Retinopathy on ocular health. Methods: a systematic, descriptive bibliographic review was carried out, limited to the languages of English and Spanish. A search for updated information was carried out in electronic databases such as: Scielo, Elsevier, PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Google Scholar. “Diabetic retinopathy”, “Causes of type 2 diabetes mellitus”, “macular edema” “Therapeutic approach to diabetic retinopathy” were used as search criteria. Development: early detection and rigorous control of blood glucose levels is of vital importance to avoid or delay the manifestation of Diabetic Retinopathy are factors of great relevance. Incorporating periodic evaluations, such as ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography, plays an essential role in identifying incipient retinal changes. Additionally, therapeutic options have progressed, including laser treatments and intravitreal drugs, which can stop or slow disease progression in some cases. Conclusions: it is categorized into two primary forms: non-proliferative and proliferative. The first is characterized by the weakening of retinal blood vessels and the accumulation of fluid in the retinal tissue. In contrast, the proliferative variety involves the abnormal development of new delicate blood vessels in the retina, with the potential to generate hemorrhages and retinal detachment, resulting in loss of visual ability.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Alberto Pérez-Padilla, Zaihrys del Carmen Herrera-Lazo, Flor Betzabet Morocho-Quinchuela, Mauricio Fernando Enriquez-Grijalva

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