Efficacy and Safety of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Antacids



Antacids, Proton-pump inhibitor, Gastritis, Peptic ulcer


Introduction: pharmacological treatment has a crucial role in the management of gastroduodenal diseases; these disorders are related to imbalances in the production of stomach acid and the integrity of the gastric mucosa. Objective: to describe the efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors and antacids in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Methods: data collection was carried out from scientific articles on the efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors and antacids in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Information was collected in databases such as: ELSEVIER, Scielo, PubMed, Virtual Health Library. Development: Proton pump inhibitors help heal severe ulcers and gastritis, they decrease acid production in the parietal cells of the stomach, which reduces the amount of acid released in the stomach over a prolonged period. Antacids act by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which helps reduce stomach acidity immediately. They have a quick but short-lived effect. Conclusions: proton pump inhibitors are the most effective in long-term treatment, antacids are useful for the relief of acute symptoms. Proton pump inhibitors and antacids are the most commonly used types of medications in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gastritis, their choice depends on the patient's specific condition and medical recommendations.


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How to Cite

López-Villagrán MA, Ramos-Villacís RA, Laica-Sailema SA. Efficacy and Safety of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Antacids. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];5(2):e481. Available from: https://revgacetaestudiantil.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/view/481



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