Buccosinusal communication as a post-extraction complication of upper third molar
Third Molars, Buccosinus Communications, ValsalvaAbstract
Introduction: bucco-sinusal communications are pathological communications between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. Bacterial contamination after 24-72 hours can cause sinusitis, which is a frequent mode of manifestation. Objectives: considering the type, size and location. Development: recent advances in Oral Surgery, such as the introduction of renewed techniques, have simplified the treatment process and have increased long-term success rates in terms of time, efficiency and risk reduction. Considering the Valsalva maneuver as a diagnostic method is controversial since the pressure can produce communication that had not occurred before, so it should be performed with caution. Regarding the methods used to extract third molars, success rates vary depending on the equipment, technique, method and protocol used. Conclusions: various strategies have been described in the literature to treat bucco-sinusal communication, but professionals must handle the devices and instruments efficiently and safely to avoid unwanted complications. Finally, prevention is essential, especially during tooth extractions, and has allowed a significant reduction in this condition.
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