Obstetric psychoprophylaxis and its importance in the gestational period



Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Obstetric Delivery


Introduction: fears, doubts and emotional stress during pregnancy can trigger physiological responses in the body that could contribute to health complications during the gestational period. Obstetric psychoprophylaxis is of vital importance for the psychological and emotional preparation of the pregnant woman for childbirth and motherhood. Objective: describe the techniques of obstetric psychoprophylaxis and its impact on the gestational period. Methods: a descriptive study was carried out through a search of scientific literature with the words: obstetric psychoprophylaxis, pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, in the databases PubMed, SciELO, and Google Scholar. Those documents that offered outdated recommendations were excluded. Development: in obstetric psychoprophylaxis, various techniques are used to prepare the pregnant woman and her partner for childbirth. Some of the most common techniques are relaxation, controlled breathing, gentle physical exercises, positive visualization, effective communication, and information about the birth process. The obstetrician plays a fundamental role, providing detailed information about the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum process, helping women understand what to expect and dispelling doubts and fears. Conclusions: a reduction in maternal and perinatal morbidity will be achieved through obstetric psychoprophylaxis, which integrates knowledge, obstetric gymnastics, breathing and relaxation techniques; and prenatal stimulation to enhance the physical, mental, sensory and social development of pregnant women and their families.


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How to Cite

Laica-Sailema SA, Ramos-Velastegui AJ, Jimenez-Diaz HD. Obstetric psychoprophylaxis and its importance in the gestational period. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 30];5(2):e485. Available from: https://revgacetaestudiantil.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/view/485



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