Pulp inflammatory response related to dental treatments and traumas



Bruxism, Orthodontics, Trauma, Inflammation, Pulp


Introduction: it is known that there are a series of mechanical, chemical, microbiological and thermal factors that cause damage to the pulp tissue. They may be related to orthodontic treatments, dental trauma, bruxism that can lead to inflammatory processes, vascular changes and even tissue damage. Objective: describe the inflammatory response of the pulp related to dental treatments and trauma. Development: the dental pulp has unique anatomical characteristics and components, immunoglobulins, neuropeptides, odontoblasts, T cells, cytokines and chemokines are responsible for triggering an inflammatory response. When the external agent is large and of prolonged duration, it can cause damage to the pulp or in turn cause an inflammatory process that is both reversible and irreversible. Conclusions: there are external factors of non-infectious origin such as orthodontic treatments, occlusal trauma and bruxism that can lead to the onset of pulp inflammation. This can be caused by alterations in the structure of the pulp, such as a decrease in oxygen in the case of orthodontics; with respect to occlusal trauma and bruxism, the degeneration of enamel and dentin leaves the pulp chamber exposed and can cause irreversible effects. Finally, the application of forces on the dental organs in a continuous, excessive manner and without rest periods increases the possibility of causing damage to the pulp.


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How to Cite

Morales-Cobos JD, Navarrete-Abedrabbo XC, Cepeda-Comina EA, Cisneros-Peñafiel DD. Pulp inflammatory response related to dental treatments and traumas. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];5(2):e486. Available from: https://revgacetaestudiantil.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/view/486



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