Comparison Diet vegan and vegetarian as treatment coadjutant in diabetes and Obesity



Diet, Vegan, Vegetarian, Protein, Obesity, Diabetes


Introduction: obesity is one of the main metabolic diseases, complex and multifactorial, which is caused by an interaction of the genotype, in which it is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue in different parts of the body. Objective: To compare the importance of the vegan and vegetarian diet as an adjuvant treatment in patients diagnosed with obesity and diabetes. Method: A systematic review was carried out in articles published in the period 2019-2024, in the databases Scielo, University Repositories, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Dialnet plus, Elsevier and metasearch engines such as EPISTEMONIKOS (Cochrane Library, Pubmed, EMBASE, CINAHL, LILACS, PsycINFO, DARE, The campbell collaboration online library, EPI-Centre evidence library, JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation) and Redalyc. Results: Evidence suggests that vegetarian diet may have a positive impact on reducing insulin resistance and vegan diet involves an increase in carbohydrate consumption and a significant decrease in fat and protein intake, i.e., it helps to reduce body weight and insulin resistance is 18%. Conclusions: Vegan/vegetarian diet has a favorable impact on the control and maintenance of Hb1AC and glycemia levels in patients with T2DM, with secondary impacts including decreased BMI, better lipid control and decreased risk and progression of other chronic diseases in patients with obesity and diabetes.


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How to Cite

Jordán-Fiallos DL, Jimenes-Hinojosa AG, Mancheno-Gavilánez EL, Gómez-Carrera LR. Comparison Diet vegan and vegetarian as treatment coadjutant in diabetes and Obesity. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];6(1):e588. Available from:



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