Level of anxiety of the patient before the dental care in the framework of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Anxiety, Dental care, COVID-19, Dental healthAbstract
Introduction: throughout history diseases and epidemics have generated anguish and stress in the general population, the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception, during this time frequent cases of anxiety, depression or problems to reintegrate have been reported. to daily activities. Objective: to determine the levels of anxiety before the consultation, in patients who attend the "UNIANDES" Dental Care Unit, within the framework of the SARS COV2 pandemic. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in patients treated at the "UNIANDES" dental care unit during the academic period October 2021 - March 2022, in which 151 patients with an average age of 18 to 81 years participated. Results: in general, the level of anxiety is mild with 62.9%, for anxiety due to COVID-19, 57.3% were obtained at a mild level, 37.7% at a moderate level and a severe level of 7.9%; while anxiety prior to dental care 66.9% is mild, 25.2% moderate level, and 7.9% severe level. Conclusions: COVID 19 has been a precedent so that patients do not wish to receive treatment, harming dental health, due to this situation there is a considerable percentage of anxiety when being exposed to contagion in the dental office.
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