Dental management of the geriatric patient with Alzheimer's in Santo Domingo. Ecuador
Autonomy, Geriatric, Prevalence, DisordersAbstract
Introduction: a great objective of today's society is to increase the quality of dental management of the geriatric patient. However, the increase in longevity has economic, employment, demographic and health consequences that must be planned in social policy. Objective: to describe the dental and oral changes typical of aging as a result of physiological variations in the geriatric population. Method: a descriptive observational study was carried out; cross-sectional study in a nursing home Fundación Amigos de la tercera edad belonging to the state of Santo Domingo, country of Ecuador in the year 2022. The universe was made up of 20 geriatric patients, the following variables were used: frequency of medical check-ups, diet, physical activity, family visits and employee training. Results: not all geriatric patients are responsible for direct feeding to the elderly, but 16 geriatric patients for 80% are fed, the personnel dedicated to the care of the elderly indicate the evidence and reports of the activities that are carried out with older adults, 95% if they do it frequently, continuously, with efficiency and effectiveness for the effect. Conclusions: older adults are taken according to their needs, not all are responsible for their direct food.
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