Author Guidelines
Gaceta Médica Estudiantil (GME) is a periodic publication edited by the editorial services of the Guantanamo Provincial Information Center for Medical Sciences, belonging to Editorial Ciencias Médicas, and which constitutes the scientific-student communication body of the University of Medical Sciences of the same province. It is a peer-reviewed journal, Open Access, hosted on the Open Journal System platform and where the editing, review and publication of your contributions is done without applying article processing charges (APC).
For authors who wish to submit their contributions and are not familiar with this online publication system, you can find guiding information in Information for authors.
The works presented may not have been published by the author or by another person, nor may they be simultaneously evaluated for that purpose by another journal or other media. For this purpose, our Editorial Section has an anti-plagiarism policy for verification, through the Urkund tool. If the article is published on an event or congress website, or on a preprint server, it should be reported in the Comments to the editor.
GME has an output and closing of its issues on a quarterly basis (January-April, May-August and September-December), and authors can publish Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Original Articles, Case Reports, Bibliographic Reviews, Semblances. There are also sections De la Historia and In Memoriam. The original articles are those prioritized by GME. A brief description of each of the types of articles is presented, as well as the standardized evaluation guides for international use for each one of them in Section Policy.
The journal follows a continuous publication model, that is, it adds articles to the issue throughout the period.
Submitted articles are subjected to a double-blind external peer review process where neither the reviewer nor the author have any data that allows them to identify themselves, despite gradually incorporating the open modality (open peer review) where the names of the reviewers will appear in the final version of the article.
GME promotes the openness of research data, for which authors are invited to publicly post and reference the data used in their research, so that they can be shared and reused, which favors the transparency and credibility of GME. science (Open Data).
The evaluations and decisions will be visible through the platform within 30 days, once the review has started. The issuer of the contribution will also be notified by email.
GME promotes the application of international standards or established good practices, both for the preparation of manuscripts and for their publication, dictated by: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), International System of Units (SI), International Classification of Diseases, International Common Name of drugs, ORCID iD, CRediT taxonomy and Descriptors in Health Sciences.
The authors authorize the publication of their writings, conserving the authorship rights, and assigning and transferring to the journal all the rights protected by the Copyright Law that governs Cuba. For non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the work (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), it must be with the acknowledgment of having been first published in this journal.
All the content of the magazine is supported by the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC), for which it is allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged. However, you are not allowed to use the original work for commercial or for-profit purposes.
The text sent will not have a presentation page or cover, and there will be no divisions or page breaks or sections. It will be received in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx), Letter size sheet, with Calibri font size 12, line spacing 1.5; to a space between words throughout the article and with Normal margins (2.5 cm). It will not have any layout, pagination, indents, tabs, hyperlinks (except for inline references), or any other attributes such as headers, footers, frames, etc.
A clear, simple, precise, concise, non-redundant language will be used and an adequate order in the approach of ideas. Use the impersonal style (it was done, they identified, it is concluded); take care of the use of capital letters, as well as the agreement between gender-number of nouns and subject-verb; don't use jargon (blood sugar for blood glucose, cardiomyopathy for cardiomyopathy, blood pressure for blood pressure, etc.); avoid the use of participles and gerunds (Example: -ando, -iendo, among others) except in cases where it is essential; avoid the incorrect use of prepositions, the abuse of adverbs and conjunctions, as well as avoid unnecessary long sentences and excessive subordinations.
The consultation of the book How to write and publish scientific papers by Robert A. Day is recommended.
Abbreviations, acronyms and acronyms
Don't make up abbreviations; Only common and domain abbreviations of the entire scientific community should be used. It will be done by writing the full term the first time you use it and following it with the abbreviation in parentheses. They are not accepted included in the title or in the abstract (except those explained).
Acronyms are formed by the set of initial letters of a complex expression. The first time an acronym appears, it is placed in parentheses, preceded by the full name of the words it groups. They are written without a dot between letters or at the end of them and it is not allowed to space the letters that form it, nor are they split or divided; They do not have a plural.
Examples: TIC not TICs, ICU not ICUs.
Acronyms are acronyms that can be formed by combining two or more words; Examples: Infomed of Medical Informatics; Minsap of the Ministry of Public Health.
Numbers and units of measure
When the figures are in the billions, numbers and words can be combined. Examples: 324 billion, 100 million m2. It is important that decimals are expressed using a comma (,) and not a period (.). When numbers are written one after another, they are separated by semicolons (;) if they are decimals, and by commas (,) if all related numbers are integers.
Examples: 0.125; 31.24; 12.26; 31, 49, 89. Whole numbers with more than four digits are written in periods of three, from right to left, leaving a space between them.
Example: 1,000, 25,400, 862,300. Telephone numbers, pages, years and decrees are excepted.
Measurements of length, height, weight and volume must be provided in metric units [meter (m), kilogram (kg) or liter (L or l)] or in decimal multiples or sub-multiples.
The time is expressed accompanied by the corresponding symbol: hours (h), minutes (min) and seconds (s). Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius (°C), while blood pressure should be measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
For haematological measures, clinical chemistry and clinical laboratory results, the authors must provide the measurements according to the International System of Units (SI). They are never expressed in the plural nor do they have a period at the end, except at the end of the sentence. After any numeric value, symbols are always written with a space between the numeric value and the first letter of the symbol. Examples: 69%; 38.5°C; 765g; except when it comes to angles and measures of longitude or latitude.
They will only be used to display very significant results within the article. Tables with grids will be sent without any format and included in the text of the work, not in Annexes. Each one must be mentioned at the top, numbered in Arabic and consecutively according to the order of appearance in the text and assigned a brief title. Never call them Table. In case of using abbreviations, they must be clarified in a Legend in the table footer next to the data source.
Authors should fill in the blanks with a zero (0 or N/A). Blank spaces can be misunderstood.
If the table is so long that it must be continued on the next page, write on the next page Table X (X is the number of the table) and repeat the column headings. Express all decimals with the same scoring criteria.
The Editorial Committee of the Student Medical Gazette will require the use of the tables whenever it deems it necessary.
Figures and graphs
All figures and graphics must be submitted separately through the platform using the Supplementary Files in step 4, regardless of whether they are located in the article. GME will handle the final design.
They will be mentioned in the footnote to the figure or graph and numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text.
If photographs of people are used, they must not be identifiable or, otherwise, the informed consent of the patient must be attached. Caring for and ensuring other ethical aspects. Student Medical Gazette approves the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. In the event that the images are not their own, the license or copyright that they possess must be taken into account and, if their use is possible, they must reflect the source with all the data where it was taken.
They must have optimal quality for electronic publication. They will be delivered in *.jpg format; they will have a dimension no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels and will not exceed 500 kb.
X-rays, scans, ultrasounds and other images of diagnostic techniques must be presented in clear photographs, in shades of gray.
Graphics should be simple and unadorned. They will be presented in light gray and shades of gray for pie charts. If possible, the data will be reflected from higher to lower figures, from left to right.
Information should not be duplicated in tables and graphs. They have short descriptive title and legend.
The preliminary parts are the common parts of most scientific articles and that show a particular disposition in them, they are:
Type of article (Section): defined by the author(s) in accordance with what is expressed in the Section Policies.
Title: one of the most important parts of the work, as it will be read by the entire interested community. It must be chosen very carefully so that it is brief, clear and explicit, attractive but exact. It will not exceed a maximum of 15 words and will not have an excess of prepositions. The use of subtitles, abbreviations, acronyms or jargon will not be allowed and will be ordered from the general to the particular, capable of expressing the content of the text and being able to be registered in national and international indexes.
Author/s: exact and complete names and surnames of those people who have made a substantial intellectual contribution and assume responsibility for the content of the article. The names will be separated by commas and ordered according to their participation in the study, each one will have a superscript in Roman numeral to reflect each of their non-administrative academic data (specialty, teaching, scientific and research categories), followed by the institutional affiliation. , province, country, email or telephone, and ORCID code, with your completed profile.
Abstract: text that guides the reader to identify the basic content of the article quickly and accurately, and to determine its relevance; It is the part of the article most read by most of the interested parties and it is a miniature version where each of its main parts should be briefly summarized. Only those of a structured type will be accepted, with a maximum of 250 words; with the exception of Case Reports where the informative type is allowed with no more than 150. It must be written impersonally and in the past tense, except for the conclusions that have the verb in the present. It will include the objective, type of research, in which place and period of time it was carried out, universe and size of the selected sample, sampling selection technique used, how the primary data was obtained, variables analyzed, statistical techniques used, how the work was carried out. , what were the main findings and most important conclusions. It must not include abbreviations, acronyms, or bibliographic annotations and its content must be intelligible without having to resort to any other text, table or figure.
Keywords: from 3 to 10 defined by the author/s and separated by a semicolon (;). These words help the indexers to classify the article for inclusion in databases, which allows the execution of searches in broader or more specific terms or all the terms that belong to the same hierarchical structure. At least three must correspond to the title of the article.
The Introduction and the Bibliographic References are not considered preliminary parts according to the consulted bibliography, but they constitute common parts of most scientific articles and are considered very important sections within them.
Introduction: this section should clearly identify the problem at the present time, briefly present the most relevant works and highlight the contributions of other authors to the subject under study, justify the reasons why the research is carried out and formulate the relevant objectives. . It will only contain material related to the study. It should not contain anything that is described in the other sections of the article. It must be brief but interesting to encourage the reader to continue reading the rest of the article and the scientific problem must be stated. There is no strict word limit, but it should be as concise as possible. It should not have tables or figures or include results or conclusions of the work. It will be written in the present tense and must be correctly bounded.
Bibliographic references: they constitute an outstanding section in a scientific work. The careful selection of relevant published documents is an element that gives solidity to the theoretical exposition of the text, at the same time that it constitutes an important source of information for the reader.
As previously stated, Gaceta Médica Estudiantil complies with the Uniform Requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals of the ICMJE, for which it adheres to the Vancouver 2020 bibliographic style.
The references will have an update level of 75%, considering the last 5 years for journals and 10 for books. Detailed information on these can be found later.
Likewise, the Acknowledgments, Declaration of conflict of interest and Contribution of the authors may or may not appear in any of the types of articles allowed to be published in the Student Medical Gazette.
Acknowledgments: it is an optional section where the institutions that supported the research and the people who collaborated intellectually may be cited, when their participation does not justify being the author. The authors must receive the agreement of these people to be named. They are written in the first person (plural or singular), they can be personal (to Dr. xxx, from the university...) or collective (to the hospital Surgery service...), they must say what he did to deserve the mention, they are short, and adjectives (immense, invaluable, decisive, etc.) should be avoided.
Declaration of conflict of interest: the authors must obligatorily inform the presence or not of conflicts of interest in relation to the research presented. A conflict of interest exists when an author (or the institution to which they belong), reviewer or editor have personal or financial relationships that may interfere with or influence their judgments in relation to the preparation, evaluation or publication of a manuscript. The most common are of financial cause, but other more subtle ones can be observed, such as academic rivalry or intellectual passion. Said information must also be reflected in the corresponding box of the metadata of all the authors.
Contribution of the authors: mandatory section for all articles except Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Semblanzas and In Memoriam. It must be written using the CRediT taxonomy.
It will be composed of Title, Text (in italics), Signature of the author with his/her highest curricular level and Bibliographic References (maximum three), if any.
Its length should not exceed 1,000 words. It will not present graphs, figures or tables, except in justified exceptions.
Declaration of conflict of interest: mandatory.
Authors contribution: optional.
Its length should not exceed 1,000 words. It will not present graphs, figures or tables.
It will be made up of Title (it has the concession of being striking, use of interrogatives, exclamatives), Name of the recipient with the position he occupies in the Editorial Committee, Text and Signature of the author with his highest curricular level and no more than five Bibliographic references if they were accurate.
Declaration of conflict of interest: mandatory.
Authors contribution: optional.