Focus and scope

Gaceta Médica Estudiantil (GME) is a quarterly periodic publication that constitutes the scientific-student body of the University of Medical Sciences of Guantánamo, Cuba. It is aimed at students and professionals of health sciences as part of the guiding process to enable scientific production to reach levels of quality and national and international visibility. It is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal and does not apply article processing charges (APC).

This journal complies with the uniformity requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and with the certification requirements established for scientific-technological serial publications, provided for in the third section, article 20 of Resolution no. . 59/2003 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba.


It constitutes a fundamental way to promote scientific activity in health sciences students and professionals and, with this, achieve the widest participation in information and knowledge management in a way that allows them to promote collaboration, integration and collective work between all branches of the sector.


Achieve a high impact of scientific production, in such a way that it allows it to be indexed in the different national and international databases, serving as a source of consultation to manage, collaborate and update information and new knowledge.