Fidel Castro Ruz: a man of science and health.



Fidel Castro Ruz, man of science


Introduction: science in Cuba has gone through many obstacles during the colonial and neo-colonial periods. With the arrival of the Revolution, science begins to have that importance that it did not have in the past. All this thanks to the effort and dedication of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz. Objective: describe the actions of the Commander in Chief regarding the development of science and health in Cuba. Method: a search and review in Spanish language of 25 bibliographies was carried out in the Google Academic search engine. Analysis-synthesis methods were used, which made in possible to interpret the bibliography found. Development: aspects related to the creation of institutions, organisms, health programs and cooperation projects with other countries in which Fidel Castro's intervention was decisive are reported. Conclusions: Fidel's project on the development of science in Cuba has been evolving since the beginning of the revolution. There is no sphere of Cuban society in which Fidel did not do everything to use scientific-technical knowledge in order to obtain better results.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Flores C. Fidel Castro Ruz: a man of science and health. . Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];4(1):e212. Available from:



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