Tobacco consumption in nursing students at UNIANDES
Tobacco use, Dependence, University studentsAbstract
Introduction: currently 4, 9 million people die each year as a result of tobacco use and dependence, and it is projected that next year this figure will increase to 10 million deaths. Objective: to describe tobacco consumption in nursing students belonging to the Regional Autonomous University of Los Andes. Method: cross-sectional descriptive observational study, carried out in 2022, the universe was made up of 309 students, the sample was 217 students, for data collection a survey was applied with the following variables: age, start of consumption, type of tobacco, quantity and frequency of tobacco consumed. Result: it was observed that the students in our population are young adults, represented by 83 % who are between 20-32 years old, 52, 5 % of the student’s mention that they have never tried to smoke a cigarette, while 42, 5 % of those surveyed reported starting to use tobacco at age 16. Conclusions: tobacco consumption in nursing students at UNIANDES University was characterized by the absence of tobacco consumption; however, it had an impact on young age and onset of tobacco consumption in adolescence, consuming with classic tobacco frequency
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mayra Jeaneth Jiménez Jiménez , Mónica Alexandra Bustos Villarreal , Johana Valentina Acosta Rosero , Christian Cascaret Cardona
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