Increase in intrapulp chamber temperature during the application of restorations with photopolymerization systems
pulp intrachamber temperature, photopolymerization, curing lampsAbstract
Introduction: The risk of causing pulp injury during the polymerization of the composite increases as the temperature increases with the use of new photopolymerization units, which produce greater energy compared to the previous generation. Objective: describe the use of photopolymerization systems in restorations and their impact on pulp tissues. Methods: Systematic reviews and searches were carried out in three electronic databases (PubMed, LILACS and Elsevier through ScienceDirect). The search was limited to publications from the last 7 years that included randomized or nonrandomized trials, cohort studies, and case reports. Finally, a bibliographic review was selected, 8 older articles in order to review concepts and 14 articles published between 2016 and 2023 considered relevant. Development: Research results show that manufacturers' guidelines regarding photopolymerization time are not guaranteed, and that extending the duration of photopolymerization increases the depth of curing, which may result in the generation of heat within the tooth and teeth. surrounding tissues. Conclusions: It is concluded that there is an increasingly common photopolymerization source of potential thermal damage in the dental tissues and underlying pulp, the excessive exaggerated temperature increase during the polymerization of composite resins is one of the most important conditions that can damage the pulp.
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