Laser therapy in the treatment of patients with pain-dysfunction syndrome of the temporomandibular joint



laser therapy, pain-dysfunction syndrome of the TMJ, pain, effectiveness


Introduction: the temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome is a disorder that comprises a set of signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome and structures of the stomatognathic system. The low power laser has a wide use within the current medical practice, and there are a large number of acute or chronic conditions that can be treated with this therapy, as it takes advantage of its antibacterial, antioedema and immune system-stimulating action. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of low power laser therapy in patients with pain syndrome and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Method: an experimental study was conducted at the “Mártires de Jamaica” Community Teaching Polyclinic in the period May-October 2018. The universe consisted of 118 patients, from which an intentional sample of 92 patients was taken. The variables used were age, sex, symptomatology, intensity of pain shown, degree of severity, pain behaviour, evolution. Two therapeutic groups were formed by previous assignment, one received low-power laser therapy and the other drug therapy. Results: patients presented limited movement, altered joint function and pain both in movement and in the TMJ area. Conclusions: low-power laser therapy is very suitable compared to drug therapy, since the symptoms disappeared in a shorter period of time.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Ferreiro H, Pérez-Tressord NL, Balleuxs-Pereira M, Ricardo-Chacón OA, Cantillo-Balart Y. Laser therapy in the treatment of patients with pain-dysfunction syndrome of the temporomandibular joint. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2020 May 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 1];1(1). Available from:



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