Atherosclerosis and its relationship with periodontal disease
Periodontics, Cardiovascular diseases, Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, PeriodontalAbstract
Introduction: the link between periodontal disease and atherosclerosis is supported by several hypotheses, where the inflammatory processes characteristic of both entities may be the link that explains this interrelationship. The objective of this article was to determine the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, essentially atherosclerosis, through a bibliographic review. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out through a search for scientific articles in different scientific databases. The collection of information was limited and all the articles published from the year 2018 to the present year 2023 were selected. Results: the bibliographic review carried out reveals that the bacteria that produce periodontal disease and those that produce atherosclerosis are similar in a 90 % Conclusion: the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, essentially atherosclerosis, was accelerated through a bibliographic review.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Fabricio Villacis-Tapia, Mercedes Marilyn Vaca-Martínez, Alejandra Nayeli Jácome-Chiluisa, Arelys Jomayra Pazmiño-Vargas

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