Historical notes on the specialty of General Surgery in the province of Guantanamo
surgery, town, Guantanamo, health historyAbstract
Introduction: the history of surgery goes back to the origins of humanity. In the beginning, surgery was not a separate part of medicine, but many of the treatments applied by the first men who populated the planet were really surgical. Guantánamo currently has very good surgeons and a good development of the specialty, however, a low level of knowledge about the historical evolution of said subject in the mentioned province is evident. Objective: to prepare a reference material on important aspects of the history of General Surgery in the town of Guantánamo. Method: a historical research was carried out, through bibliographic reviews, interviews with experts, founding physicians and health professionals who study the subject. Results: a material was elaborated where the general and foundational aspects of surgery in Guantanamo were related before 1959, as well as after 1959 (the 70s, 80s, 90s and present). Conclusions: Guantanamo surgery evolves significantly after the triumph of the Revolution and lays the foundations for introducing new surgical techniques with scientific-technical development.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Oreglis Vega-Morales, Bernarda Sevillano-Andrés, Arlenis M. Francis-Alitimón, Mailena Vega-Echisarraga
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