Adherence to treatment in older adults diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus
Adherence, Older adults, Mellitus diabetes, TreatmentAbstract
Introduction: the suffering of chronic degenerative diseases and the deficit in adherence to treatment implies economic and social dependence, which generates a high cost in health and family imbalance. Objective: describe the adherence to treatment of older adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at Health Center #1 in the city of Tulcán. Method: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The universe was made up of 85 patients, a sample of 20 patients was selected, a survey and questionnaire were carried out to collect the data, these data were processed in the SPSS 23.0 program. Results: 60 % of the people surveyed stated that they are medicated with insulin, it is known that 70 % of those surveyed take their medication only once a day and 80 % of the people surveyed perform diabetes self-control. Conclusions: adherence to treatment in older adults with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in Health Center #1 of the city of Tulcán is affected by medication mainly due to socioeconomic factors; however, the majority of patients perform self-control of the illness.
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