Cleft lip and palate. Presentation in an infant
newborn, cleft palate, harelip, congenital malformationsAbstract
A female newborn was presented, son of a 31-year-old mother with a referred pathological history of high blood pressure and grandmother on mother´s side with diabetes mellitus. The physical examination showed a unilateral complete cleft lip and palate in the left side. She was treated at the "Fe del Valle Ramos" Gynecobstetric Hospital in Granma Province, by a multidisciplinary health team. When pathology has been diagnosed, it is very important a multidisciplinary team to develop actions that allow the restoration of the adequate functionality of the digestive tract, as well as all the aesthetic and phonetic problems, using this way to improve the quality of life of the child, his parents and relatives, which will allow the patient a better integration to society.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jesús Daniel de la Rosa-Santana, Giselle Lucila Vázquez-Gutiérrez, Grabiel Granado-Pérez

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