Manuel Piti Fajardo Rivero: father, son and a warrior doctor



Cuban doctors in the guerrilla, Military Health Corps, Manuel Fajardo Rivero, Piti Fajardo


Introduction: doctors have been connected with the revolutionary process in every historical stage of the Cuban people, demonstrated by the incorporation of several of them to the Cuban independence fighters, named Mambises, and closer in the time to the rebel troops (guerrillas), constituting the Military Health Corps. An example of this is Manuel Fajardo Rivero, more affectionately called Piti. Objective:  value the personal dimension, work as a doctor in the (guerrilla) and as a great revolutionary of Manuel Piti Fajardo Rivero, from the testimony of those who knew him. Method: a manual and automated documentary analysis was carried out about the warrior doctor Manuel Piti Fajardo Rivero, using reliable search engines such as academic Google and SciELO. Twenty-five Spanish-language bibliographic sources were consulted, 60% of them corresponded to the last five years. Development: presented the happy and restless young man, devoted son and loving father, the doctor by vocation and the daring warrior in the days of clandestinely and the guerrilla warfare, who contributed to the healing of the wounded and sick people from the battle, but also contributed to the achievement of the definitive victory after which he carried out tasks of impact in the construction of the society dreamed by the Cuban people. Final considerations: Piti Fajardo was an exceptional revolutionary and human being, with good feelings, a principles person and with a high sense of justice and love for others, as expressed with anecdotal focus by those who knew him.


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How to Cite

de la Caridad Reyes-Tápanes M, Barceló-Vázquez Y, Ortega-Alfonso BG. Manuel Piti Fajardo Rivero: father, son and a warrior doctor. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 7];1(2):e154-168. Available from:



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