Free drawing in the characterization of the psychological impact of COVID-19 on Cuban children and adolescents



emotional alterations, COVID-19, Free drawing, psychological impact, childhood, adolescence


Introduction: COVID-19 constitutes an emerging disease that due to its health complexity has generated significant changes in psychological and social functioning. As a consequence of the measures taken for its containment and due to the characteristics of the ontogenetic development stages, children and young people have been one of the most vulnerable groups. Objective: to characterize the psychological impact that COVID-19 has generated in a group of Cuban children and adolescents. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with qualitative-quantitative methodology in the period from May to September 2020. The universe was made up of the drawings received in the artistic creation contest "The COVID-19 in our lives", with the technique From intentional sampling, 31 drawings sent by Cuban children and/or adolescents were chosen. The projective technique "Free drawing" was used, for the content analysis the indicators were used: content, structure, use of color, execution of the human figure, representation of the new coronavirus and prevention measures, social isolation and reflection of the activity of health personnel. Results: the presence of anxiety, insecurity, irritability was evidenced, the importance of complying with preventive measures against COVID-19 is recognized, the relevance of Cuban public health actions and the essential place that the family occupies in this stage. The weighting of the values ​​unity and solidarity was verified. Conclusions: COVID-19 has had a negative psychological impact on the children and adolescents studied, with a predominance of emotional disturbances.


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How to Cite

Frómeta-Domínguez E, Maynard-Bermúdez GI, Acosta-Sardina J, Gainza-Lores Y, Soto-Martínez J. Free drawing in the characterization of the psychological impact of COVID-19 on Cuban children and adolescents. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2021 May 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];2(2):e117. Available from:



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