FármacoSoft: an educational software for teaching Clinical Pharmacology



pharmacology, education, multimedia, educational software


Introduction: Educational softwares refer to computer applications or programs used as teaching support materials; they are a valuable and essential tool. Objective: to develop an educational software to support the teaching-learning process for Clinical Pharmacology in Medical Sciences. Method: a technological development research was carried out at the branch of the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Guantánamo in Baracoa, from September to December 2020. To support the study five stages were taken into account: the first stage took into account the search and collection of information. In the second stage, the information collected, the images digitized and printed texts were processed. In the third stage, the product was designed based on the information obtained and according to the possibilities of the platform used for the creation of the software. In the fourth stage, the computer tools to be used were selected and the software was created. In the fifth stage, the design of the educational software was evaluated. The average and standard deviation were used to process the outcomes. Results: the computer design indicators obtained high scores, which evidences the concordance of criteria among the experts. Conclusions: the product obtained is useful to support the educational teaching process and contains the exercise of knowledge applicable to this level. It is a teaching material to guarantee the continuity for teaching activity in the Clinical Pharmacology subject during the epidemiological contingency.



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How to Cite

Salgado-Delgado LA, Matos-Laffita D, Pelier-Orduñez Y, Legrá-Pelier DY. FármacoSoft: an educational software for teaching Clinical Pharmacology. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2021 May 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];2(2):e169. Available from: https://revgacetaestudiantil.sld.cu/index.php/gme/article/view/46



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