Prevention and promotion of hiv in nursing students from 3rd to 7th semester of the regional autonomous university of los andes ambato
Prevention, promotion, HIV, AIDS, safe sexAbstract
Introduction: Infection with the HIV/AIDS virus causes a gradual deterioration of the immune system. Objective: to characterize the level of knowledge about the HIV/AIDS virus in students from the 3rd to 7th semester of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes Ambato. Method: A descriptive-quantitative and cross-sectional research was carried out, a questionnaire in the form of surveys was used to collect the information, the population was made up of a total of 136 nursing students from said University. The following methods were used: inductive-deductive, analytical – synthetic. The data was then tabulated using tables and graphs. Results: 71 % of respondents know the difference between HIV and AIDS, 70 % of students know about safe sex. 78 % of those surveyed have never taken an HIV test, 79 % show greater knowledge of this question. 27 % of those surveyed have had more than one sexual partner. According to the students' level of knowledge of the way of transmission of HIV-AIDS, 71% of students respond that they know the way of transmission through unprotected sexual relations; 46% of students acquired information about HIV at university. Conclusions: A good level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS predominated among the nursing students at the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes Ambato. The school was identified as the main provider of information
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valeria Kasandra Guevara-Guaman, Erick Alejandro Durán-Moya , Eloísa Cumandá Santamaría-Guamán, Carla Abigail Tirado-Cunalata

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