Characterization of family health in a medical office, Holguin 2021



family, risk factors, prevention, prevalence, incidence


Introduction: community health is the collective expression of the health of individuals and groups in a defined community. In turn, it is determined by the interaction of personal characteristics, family, social, cultural and physical environment, as well as health services and the influence of social and political factors. Objective: to characterize family health in a medical office in Holguín. Method: a descriptive observational study was carried out in the period from October 2020 to January 2021, in the medical office No. 16 of the Policlínico “René Ávila Reyes” in Holguín. The sample consisted of 30 families, with 75 members. For its selection, an intentional sampling method was applied to a population of 345 families, with 1,323 members. Variables used in the statistical analysis were: age, gender, and risk factors. Results: there was a predominance of males, and the most frequent age group was that of 50 to 59 years. Risk factors related to lifestyle were the most frequent, with 30 patients (40%). Smoking prevailed, with a total of 12 patients. It was identified that 12% of the patients had arterial hypertension and 9.3% were diagnosed with acute respiratory infections. Conclusions: the main risk factors identified are those related to lifestyle, specifically smoking, while the most frequent chronic non-communicable disease is arterial hypertension, acute respiratory infections are the communicable diseases with the highest incidence.


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How to Cite

Martín-Alvarez RM, Pérez-Salceda MM, Zaldívar-Díaz MD, Caballero-González L, Rodríguez-Medeley C. Characterization of family health in a medical office, Holguin 2021. Gac méd estud [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];2(3):e161. Available from:



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