Characterization of academic stress in medical students of the Bahía Honda municipality
Medical student, academic stress, Psychological stress, Coping skillsAbstract
Introduction: stress is a problem of notable incidence in daily life and of utmost importance in the educational field due to the impact it can have on the well-being and academic performance of students. Objective: to determine the presence of academic stress in medical students in Bahía Honda during the 2021/2022 academic year. Method: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe consisted of 71 students and the sample consisted of 62 students who gave their consent to participate. Using the instrument: SISCO three-dimensional inventory of academic stress, the necessary variables were obtained. The data were processed using descriptive and inferential statistics through the epidat 3.1 computerized system, and subsequently grouped into association tables with absolute and percentage values. Result: moderate stress predominated in 70.97% of students and females (69.35 %). The demands of the academic environment were recognized as almost always generating stress in 46.77 % of students; while student demands were recognized as sometimes generating stress in 46.77 % of students. The majority of those studied presented symptoms sometimes (54.84 %) for which coping strategies were used in 46.77% of them. Conclusions: the presence of academic stress was reflected at a moderate level, especially in the female sex, where the majority of students sometimes present the various dimensions of the variable studied.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Grisell Mirabal-Martínez , Alejandro Román-Rodríguez , Rosymar Silva-Lago , José Alfredo Gallego-Sánchez

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