Characterization of families in a medical office in the city of Guantánamo
life cycle, family, extended family, family relationshipsAbstract
Introduction: the family fulfills important functions in the biological, psychological and social development of the human being. Objective: to characterize the families of the Clinic #33, belonging to the Policlínico Universitario ¨4 de Abril¨ in Guantánamo city, in the period from October 2021 to January 2022. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The population was constituted by the total of families attended (N=150). The sample was selected by simple random sampling, so that it represented 20% of the population (n=30). Methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level were used. The variables studied were: classification of families according to ontogenesis, number of members and generations, stages of the life cycle, paranormative crisis and family functioning. Results: extended families (56.7%), medium (66.6%) and trigenerational (50%) predominated. Most of them went through the extension stage (50%), and 43.3% of them presented mixed crises. The economic function was the least fulfilled (36.6%) and in the dynamics of internal relations, 56.6% of the families were classified as dysfunctional. Conclusions: all the characterized families show family crises, and the economic function is the least fulfilled. They are mostly dysfunctional and the most affected categories in family functioning are role equity, communication, permeability and the inability to adjust to changes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jenniffer Rivero-Torres, María Agustina Favier-Torres, Dominga Calzado-Begué, Karina Vidal-Díaz
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