Rate of satisfaction in patients attended in the dental prostheses department at the Clínica Estomatológica “Lidia Doce Sánchez”
satisfaction, quality, dental services, prosthesesAbstract
Introduction: patient satisfaction is an important indicator for measuring and improving the service quality continuously. Objective: to assess the rate of satisfaction in patients attended in the dental prostheses department at the Clínica Estomatológica Docente “Lidia Doce Sánchez” in Guantanamo, from September 2019 through December 2020. Method: a prospective longitudinal study was carried out. A total of 171 admitted patients were involved in the study but only 160 patients were selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The analyses were adjusted for the baseline variables of age groups, sex, rate of patient satisfaction concerning to speedy access to service, waiting room conditions, department conditions, and treatment received. A structured questionnaire, designed and validated by experts, was performed with recollected information. Results: the rate of the patients referring dissatisfaction with the access time to service was 60% and with the bad conditions of chairs or benches was 43.8%. The rate of satisfaction concerning dental chair conditions was 46.8%, cleanliness and organization was 76.8%, concerning department ventilation and lighting dissatisfaction rate was 39.5%. Patients referred satisfaction with the quality of care received by specialists (60%), assistant personnel (53.1%,), and with the quality of the dental prostheses (66.2%). Conclusions: most of patients referred dissatisfaction with the access time to service, the bad conditions of chairs and benches in the waiting room, and with the low ventilation and lighting inside the department, however, referred satisfaction concerning the quality of care received.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yamilé Rodríguez-Sotomayor, Yobisleidys Creagh-Almiñan, Beatriz de las Mercedes Zamora-García, Hormanis Legrá-López, Olmeris Fiffe-Machado

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